Miracle Minded Mothers

Ayurvedic Nourishing Cleanse & Digestive Reset

This is a simple, mini-at-home (but extremely powerful) version of an Ayurvedic deep healing regime known to restore digestive balance and clear our channels to the divine. 

Spring 2024 Group Cleanse

April 21-28, 2024

Hi! I'm Stephanie...

If we haven’t officially met yet, I’m Stephanie Dickerson, a motherhood coach, Ayurvedic Practitioner and mother to three small children.

When people ask me what I do, I tell them that I coach women in finding spiritual solutions to the problems of motherhood. I help them regain their sense of balance...physically, mentally, emotionally, and at the deep soul level. 

I know this might seem a bit heady, the way that I do it is very down to earth - through straight forward truth-telling and simple, time tested self-care strategies based in Ayurveda. 

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Why would you do this cleanse?

Throughout our daily lives, we accumulate imbalances when we move through our world outside of our natural rhythm. We are unable to fully digest our experiences, the energy of others, the stress of the world around us.  The byproduct of this incomplete ‘digestion’ is called AMA in Ayurveda. This Ama literally clogs the channels (srotas) in our physical bodies that connect us to our higher self, to source energy. 

Our accumulation of Ama can make us feel stuck, limited, heavy and exhausted. We have a harder time connecting with ourselves and our divine guidance. We can become impatient with our children, with ourselves and those who love us.  We crave and give in to sugar, carbs, salt and alcohol.

This mini-at-home version of Panchakarma creates a powerful effect in a very short time because it will clear the channels of consciousness within you – allowing you to connect more deeply with your divine self. When we are free of Ama we experience:

  • Clear, Calm Energy
  • Deep and restful sleep
  • Comfort and ease in our physical bodies
  • Craving healthy and fresh foods
  • Love and admiration for our physical form 
  • Heightened focus and creativity
  • Generosity, connection and abundance with ourselves and others

You are ready for this deep healing if: 

  • You want to break through to your next level of physical, mental and emotional well-being
  • You are ready to say goodbye to scary, exhausting and uncomfortable symptoms of imbalance and misalignment
  • You have shifted so much in your mind and heart and want to support your body in a new way that allows it to 'catch up' to your new level of awareness
  • You are struggling with still feeling stuck, unsafe or anxious physically- despite deep down knowing that all is well and doing your best to actively practice that belief
  • Your digestion isn’t functioning flawlessly - gas, bloating, acidity, constipation or the opposite
  • You crave (and/or have been indulging in more than you’d like) sugar, carbs or alcohol
  • You are ready for big change and improvement both physically and emotionally
  • Ready to look and feel your best physically - really want to say goodbye to that excess weight you know you don't need to hold on to anymore
  • You are practiced at looking at challenging the limiting beliefs and fear that hold you back 
  • You are willing to do your inner work and have experienced that sometimes healing can be uncomfortable but it's always worth it

Fall  Group Cleanse


Fall 2021 Group Cleanse October 19-24th

  • Online Classroom + Guidebook
  • Four Recorded Q&A Coaching Calls 
  • 1:1 Voxer Support for the whole week (or Messenger)

As soon as you sign up you'll have access to the materials so you can start to get a sense of the process. We'll  kick off the week on Monday with an introductory call where I will answer all your questions and walk you through the entire process. Together we'll customize the experience to fit your needs and plan out the rest of your week so that it works best for you. Most people will start the cleanse itself mid-week and finish up over the weekend. 

All the calls are recorded and you can submit your questions if you can't make it live. 

You'll be able to get all your questions answered and I'll coach you through any challenges or fears you are facing or patterns that you are ready to release. 

Online Classroom + Guidebook

You'll have access to an online classroom where you'll start by downloading a beautiful instructional guidebook so you can get started right away. 

It's Your Cleanse

You might decide to go big, escape to a vacation rental and create a sacred retreat bubble just for you for some very deep healing.

It's also possible to focus on doing for you in a new way as you integrate your cleanse into your daily family life, though you will be grateful for all that you take off your plate and all the extra support that you line up. 

You might sign up and tune in but choose a different week for the cleanse itself! 

Truly though,  all you need is a sincere desire to nourish and care for yourself in a way that is deep and true and a willingness to look directly at whatever arises and open to guidance and support. 

This is a whole foods based, time tested process, refined over millennia...

...to support your deep healing and the expansion of your spiritual awareness. You'll release the accumulation of undigested dinners and extra pounds + old stored negative emotions and limiting beliefs.

Everything you need should be available from your co-op, natural food or even grocery store (+ farmer's market or garden!!)

You'll receive a beautiful downloadable instructions, complete with grocery list, daily rhythm of meals and activities, recipes + more.

Whether or not you join the group cleanse or pick a different time, the collective support of other mama's doing the same work with you will carry you through the sometimes challenging experience of changing deep seated habits!

You'll also have me walking right along with you and answering all your questions and coaching through if you get stuck. 

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Want to talk it through?

I'm happy to chat with you anytime to help you decide if this is a good fit for you.

Just reach out to me by hitting the link below. Can't wait to connect with you!

Contact Me